April Fool!!!
With the warm weather and healthy winter I have let me guard down. It started out with a runny nose Tuesday. She has not been sleeping well the past week (a molar coming in as well as a cold will do that I suppose) as a result I have not been sleeping well. Last night she was coughing all night- we are now doing breathing treatments every four hours; I can hear her hacking as I type and she isn't due for another for another two hours. Right now we aren't at the point of going to the doctor. By now I know what they are going to say, I will wait until she gets worse. Maybe she will fly through this cold too. I just keep waiting for the "big one" to come.
On top of her cold Elizabeth has had thrush for over a month caused by her asthma medicine. We are rinsing and washing out her mouth, replacing toothbrushes all the time, trying different kinds of medication to battle this. The good news is that it doesn't seem to bother her.
We have had some fun lately. Elizabeth had her first visit with the Easter Bunny (she wasn't a fan up close) perhaps we know where this cold came from or maybe we picked it up from the butterfly tent we visited. The girls loved it and the butterflys weren't shy about landing on us!
What else are we doing this spring? The March for Babies - of course!
This will be our third year and we have raised over $10,000 to date!!! We would love to have another huge group of family and friends walking with us again this year; the past two years we have had been about 100 walkers strong. Clink on the March for Babies tab on in the upper right or HERE to sign up and join us. You can walk with us in Ann Arbor or join our team and walk where you are. If you can't walk we would really appreciate a donation to sponsor our walk - in any amount. Can you donate just $1 for every pound you or your baby weighed at birth? Together we can save babies and help find solutions for babies who are born too soon like Elizabeth.
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