Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Elizabeth turned 22 months on Sunday. Hard to believe!

She is still very tiny; weighing 17 lbs 9 oz last week. Just after Thanksgiving she was sick with a stomach bug and lost one pound, she is still catching up from that big weight loss. She is still in size 6-9 months, but can wear one piece 12 months for the length, even some of her 6-9 month size pants fall off when she walks. We should all have such problems!

Elizabeth’s speech is really coming along well. She has over 35 words now, the most recent additions – Elmo (mel-mo), milk, hot, out, thank-you (dank-u) & no-no. Her speech therapist worked for several weeks on no. Now she uses it to answer any question. She also uses it to correct herself- throws all her dinner on the floor and looks at me and says “no-no” It is really hard not to laugh.

I haven’t seen any red flags as far as cognitive delays; I try not to check the list of milestones. There is a chance we may not notice anything until she is in school where she may have some kinds of learning disabilities. Right now our only real struggle is her eating and weight gain. Elizabeth just isn’t that into food, especially her own. A cookie she will take and demand in fact if she sees one. “Real food” on the other hand is just better to throw. It is very frustrating, I try not to make a big deal about it, but I do wish she would be a better eater.

Elizabeth’s reflux has had a HUGE improvement now that we have switched medications. I think she may have vomited once since November. This is a great improvement as she was vomiting several times a week before. Right now Elizabeth is taking 4 daily medications and we have 2 more on an as needed basis.

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