Ava is turning 4, hard to believe that so much time has passed us by.

Ava has grown into such a sweet and loving little girl, we are so proud of her. Her preschool teachers tell me that she is kind to all of the children, although Ava tells us she doesn't play with boys! Ava is so loving and protective of Elizabeth. Ava makes sure that Elizabeth is safe and will alert us if she sees any danger, this of course does not hold when Ava herself is the one causing the trouble! Ava also makes sure to give us lots of hugs and kisses and has recently become more generous in giving them than she used to be.
What else is she doing?

She is beginning to read- Ava can read many books word for word from memory and is starting to read simple 3 letter words as well as familiar environmental print words (stop, McDonald's, cheerios, etc).
Ava can write her name and a few other letters and is able to spell mommy, daddy, pie, and Elizabeth. She is starting to do simple addition and subtraction as well.
Ava is as she always has been- BUSY! She is in constant motion, doing flips and flops around the house, jumping, and generally not keeping still. She loves soccer and gymnastics both of which we hope to start up again in the Spring.
Ava is into- being "Little Mouse", she pretends to be a mouse and this extends to the whole family, anything princess, Sleeping Beauty being the favorite. Angelina Ballerina is also a big hit lately and was her
Halloween costume this year. Dress up, playing with dolls and "activity characters" (which are little plastic Disney people) take up most of her day at home.
We are so blessed to have this special little girl in our lives.
Here is a little video I put together of Ava's 3rd year. Hope you enjoy it.
Happy Fourth Birthday Ava!