So after my last few post I thought it was about time to tell everyone about all the great things that Elizabeth has been doing lately.
Her verbal skills have taken off! I was worried not too long ago that she was starting to be delayed. Now she has some words and is babbling and chattering all the time.
So far she says: mama; dada; ball; book; bird; bye-bye
Ball, book, and bird all sound the same but she uses them correctly so I am counting them as words. I may have heard a night-night and baba (bottle)-to soon for me to say for sure.
She played peek-a-boo today using her hands to cover her face. It was so cute. I wanted a picture but of course as soon as the camera was out she stopped. Elizabeth also crawled down the stairs today. It was the first time she ever tried it and she went down the whole way without any problem. What a big girl!
She is also walking behind a push toy (which is about as tall as she is). She won't do it very long, so I have no good pictures of this yet. I do have a video but Ava is streaking across it several times in just her princess panties so no posting of that either!
More teeth- She has three on top and bottom now. Looks like more are on the way-they do take forever to come in.
Big news on the weight gain. At Monday's weight in she was 15 pounds 3 ounces and 26 inches. I was very pleased! Her doctor has decided to keep her on the preiacitn, when I gave it another try she increased her intake by 2-3 ounces and he thought that since she wasn't have any negative side effects that it was worth it to keep on the meds. The prevacid is not going so great. (ok, so not all good news) The first try Elizabeth was obviously uncomfortable with her reflux so after two days we went back to the zantac, I later learn it takes over a week for prevacid to start to work. Soo we are trying it again, but using zantac also while we wait for the prevacid to get into her system. Tonight I think I gave up the battle. Prevacid is little tablets that we have to dissolve and then dispense using a medicine syringe. Easy enough right? What a hassel! The medicine doesn't fully disovle it is just tiny granules floating about in the water, which get stuck in the syringe and are causing all sorts of problems. If anybody uses this medicine and has any tips please let me know. I am about to forget the whole thing and just say that the zantac is good enough!
We also have some graduations of sort to report. Elizabeth has outgrown her baby bucket car seat and now will be in a big girl car seat (still rear facing; have to be over 20lbs to turn around. Hard to say how long that will take!). I have also moved her up to size 3 diapers! The best new of all- we are now mixing her formula (still about 30cal per oz) with whole cows milk (doctor's approval and suggestion). This is going to cut down the the formula we use by half, which is awesome since we are going through about 3 cans a week! I just started the switch today, so I am hopeful that she tolerates it well and we can continue.
Hi my name is Angela and my son Noah was born on Nov 24, 2007. He was born at 32 weeks due to preeclamsia. Because of the preeclampsia, he had severe IUGR and weighed 3lbs 1oz. It caused a lot of problems and the NICU doc that admitted him argued with me telling me that he was 29 weeks. only until he talked to my ob did he believe me. Anyway, Noah spent 93 days in the NICU and since then he has had 4 surgeries and been admitted to the PICU 6 times. He is on oxygen all the time now and used to have severe reflux. He had a Nissen to stop the reflux but is still on prevacid. I found a pharmacy that would sell me cherry syrup a few ounces at a time. I use about 1 cc of syrup for 1 tab. It works wonders. My son has a g-tube and the prevacid "dissolved" in water would clog his tube, this won't. Good luck! Feel free to leave me a message on my myspace and let me know if this works for you.
WOW! What awesome news! What a big girl! I'm pretty sure she'll be skipping in no time :o)
Wow.. So great to hear and see what's been going on, we can't wait to come out in a few weeks.
Uncle John and Aunt Ness.
PS. I don't know if this is a viable or even reasonable or OK solution, but maybe it would dissolve better under heat in boiling water and then you could cool it down? I'd definitely check with a doc or pharm d before you try it as it could break down the drug. Plus it would be a lot of work.
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